Unlocking learning potential for future technologies
City of Portsmouth College, formed by the merger of Portsmouth College and Highbury College is an education and skills training institution. It is also home to the first Net Zero training hub in the UK.
City of Portsmouth College caters to a broad demographic including Sixth Form, A Level and vocational course students, apprentices, mature students, individuals upskilling and local company employees who come to City of Portsmouth College to complete training. Its curriculum is informed through close connections with the local employer base, meaning the education delivered works to close the skills gap and focus on future technologies.
Why join The Solent Cluster?
City of Portsmouth College is looking forward to being part of The Solent Cluster because of the calibre of companies and institutions that are involved. It is the perfect opportunity to share knowledge and experience. The college is keen to make a notable difference with its contribution to the national decarbonisation agenda and looks forward to collaborative working with the vast array of members from a variety of different industries.
Whilst looking forward to increased access to business and industry opportunities and funding for courses and upskilling, they recognise that by bringing together business leaders, large corporations, teaching institutions, and harnessing the combined knowledge, City of Portsmouth College expects real promotion and traction for the Cluster’s objectives.
Home to the first Net Zero training hub in the UK
City of Portsmouth College’s Net Zero training hub aims to build the skills and knowledge needed locally to install new housing technology and meet the country’s commitment to Net Zero.
The Local Government Association has identified a need for over 694,000 skilled jobs in the ‘Green Economy’ by 2030 rising to over 1.2 million by 2050 in order to meet national decarbonisation objectives. There are currently only 185,000 people employed and Hampshire County Council alone have estimated the need for over 6000 workers in the County to retrofit domestic dwellings by 2050.
Working with leading manufacturers, training at the hub will cover four skill pathways designed around retrofitting existing residential properties and new builds. These pathways include fabric including insulation and ventilation; heat including heat pumps and batteries; power including solar PV and battery storage; electric vehicles, including maintenance and EV charger installation.
The Net Zero training hub is for more than just school leavers. It’s also an ideal way for existing engineers and people looking for a career change to retrain and gain the necessary skills and confidence to capitalise on the massive investment in green technology.
“City of Portsmouth College is firmly committed to the decarbonisation agenda. Embedding the key principles of sustainability into the curriculum for students and services for all stakeholders is a key cross cutting strategic theme included in the college’s 2022 to 2026 strategic plan. The college has invested significant capital investment funding into creating the regions first Net Zero Training Hub at the North Harbour campus which is supporting local businesses, adults and young people to develop their knowledge, skills and behaviours of decarbonisation and retrofitting principles and, in turn, to service the emerging skills needs in existing and newly formed jobs in various sectors within the local economy.
Membership in the Solent Cluster will ensure the college’s decarbonisation curriculum intent and design is well informed by local stakeholders and will complement the intelligence already being gathered from other bodies such as the Portsmouth City Council decarbonisation group.”
Matt Phelps, Deputy CEO and Deputy Principal, City of Portsmouth College