Supporting communities, improving lives
Eastleigh Borough Council employs just over 500 professional staff at various sites, supporting around 129,000 residents and a diverse range of businesses. Eastleigh Borough Council won Council of the Year at the 2022 Association for Public Service Excellence Awards.
Why join The Solent Cluster?
At a political level, Eastleigh Borough Council is strongly committed to Net Zero. It is a core part of its organisational DNA and the Council supports all initiatives to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the borough.
The Council is looking forward to sharing knowledge and establishing new partnerships with other Cluster members, and hopes the Cluster will bring investment in low-carbon technologies to Eastleigh, the City of Southampton and the wider region. The Solent Cluster is a great opportunity for many businesses and organisations including the Solent Freeport and Southampton Airport, which is in Eastleigh Borough. Eastleigh Borough Council would like to see the region become an area where clean fuel technologies (EBC fleet, transport, aviation) are trialled and adopted early.
Specifically, there is an opportunity to explore solutions for the borough’s waste services, with the potential to harvest fuel from waste, and vehicle management by finding solutions to decarbonise its fleet such as the use of electric bin lorries.
Sustainability underpins everything
In July 2019, the Council reaffirmed its commitment to fighting the climate crisis by declaring a Climate Change and Environmental Emergency. Ahead of many councils, Eastleigh Borough Council has set a target of being carbon neutral by 2025 and is keen to support communities and businesses across the borough to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. It continues to have an innovative and progressive approach.
The Council is already ahead of the government’s 2020 target on greenhouse gas emissions, is one of the Hampshire’s foremost local authorities for levels of recycling (including the county’s first food waste recycling scheme started 10 years ago) and has a substantial renewable energy portfolio – generating hundreds of thousands of kilowatt hours of energy per year.
Its action on climate change includes: the purchase of Chalcroft solar farm; all sites signing up to Green Energy tariff; 18 rooftop solar installations; a biomass boiler at Itchen Valley Country Park and ground source heat pumps at Lakeside Country Park. The Council is also building 2,500 energy efficient homes powered by heat pumps at One Horton Heath and they continue to invest in solar.
Become a Member
World leading collaborations creating a network that will decarbonise the South Coast region and beyond.